Month: July 2023

Te Oro

Task description:On Wednesday we went on a trip to Te Oro and Me and my friends made a movie about it.First our teacher called who will help with the movie.After she pared us into 2 groups to read the Te Oro recount each other made.Then Tolati,Me and Elena made a script while Adnan,Niah and Khaing-May made the movie.Lastly me and Tolati did a voice over of the script and put it in the movie.

Subtracting Decimals

task description:Today at school I did a activity about maths. First my teacher explained how to do it and what to do in the activity.Then I started the activity and the top part was kind of easy but in the last part I had to think for a minute for a solution to do it.Lastly I showed how I worked out one of the answers and took a picture.

Create wind of the willows chapter 1

task description:Today I did an activity about a book and I really enjoyed it.First I  watched a bunch of videos  about rats and moles.Then I made an new slide and started putting the answer on the first slide.After I started drawing a picture of the mole.Lastly I put 2 reasons why they are not similar to each other.

Sport recount

On one sunny Wednesday afternoon, my class went to sports excitedly because we were going to do gymnastics for sports.When we went inside I saw all sorts of equipment for gymnastics and started to also feel excited.At the time we went there it was freezing cold so coach Hannah told us we would be doing some warm ups.The first warm up was a game which in it you have to walk in a specific way and coach Hannah will yell out a colour and you have to touch any sports equipment that is the colour that coach Hannah said.The second warm up  was doing gymnastics poses.


After we did the 2 warm ups we started doing gymnastics.Before we did gymnastics we had to be split up in groups.I was split up in a group with my friend Tevita.After we got split up in groups ,coach Hannah told us what we would be doing.In my group we had to jump on the trampoline as high as you can landing in a motorbike pose then do hopscotch in the hoola hoops run to the bouncy ramp climb up on the stage and jump of repeatedly until coach Hannah says to freeze.


After coach Hannah said to freeze she told us to switch groups and the next group was on the stage.In the 2nd group we had to walk a beam jump across a border cross the 2nd beam and jump over the 2nd border and go on the last beam and do it repeatedly until coach hannah says to freeze and change to the next group.


In the next group we had to jump across a beam,crawl on top of  a beam laydown own a piece of wood and run to the stage and climb up then just walk down the stage.This one was hard if your feet was wet but it was over all not that hard.Then coach Hannah told us to freeze and move to the next group.


In the last group we had to do a wall handstand and roll our way down a ramp and do the same thing in the 2nd one but you had to sausage roll and do it repeatedly until you get tired.When it was time to go I was kind of sad because I was enjoying it but I will go again next Wednesday.   



task description:Today I did an activity about symmetry.First my teacher explained what symmetry was and told us what to do in the activity.After I started the activity and it was easy.Lastly I made the last shape and did the easiest thing I could think of.


Task description:Today I did an activity about proper nouns.First the whole class watched a video about proper nouns and what they are.After I started the activity and started putting the answers.In the activity we had to replace the letters in capital.Lastly I checked all my answers to see.