Tag: Maths

Addition Decimal

Task description:Today I did an activity about decimals. I learned from this activity because I learned how to use decimals easier. This activity was a little bit easier because I think of money so if the cents reaches one hundred it will become a dollar.I thought this activity was fun so I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post!

Siapo Art

Task description:  Today at school we made something called Siapo art based on where we are from.  The  first thing we did was we practised  to make them so we did not have to worry about messing up. So we all got a piece of  lined paper and searched on our Chromebooks patterns from our culture and we drew some different patterns to get some inspiration.  When we finished practising  we  got a  piece of paper that has leaves and we drew some patterns on each leaf. On one leaf I did a pattern and wrote my name.  After we finished drawing patterns Miss Tumahai  and Mrs. Sio drew over the patterns with a black marker. The last step was to dye it and I chose to use red and yellow because if it mixes it will make orange so it looked really cool! It was really fun to do this activity because I learned some patterns from my culture.