Tag: Reading

Escape from Vesuvius

Task description:Today at class, I made a drawing of a book I read but, I didn’t have much time to draw so I did most of the drawing at home. The book is about a volcano that erupted thousands of years ago, and someone wrote a story about it. Have you read this book? In my drawing I drew the front page of the book. After I sketched, my sister made more details and made it better. Finally, I colored it in and drew the human in the picture. I had so much fun doing this activity and hope I get to do more fun and exciting things like this, thank you!

Escape from Vesuvius

Task description:Today I did an activity about a book.In the beginning of the book there was a bow named Marcus and he lived in an island near a mountain. Little did they know that the next few days will be a series of unfortunate events.One odd day started fine until Marcuse felt shaking.Next Fortunately the shaking soon came to an end.The next past days were the same but fortunately always came to an end but Marcus always had a feeling that one day the shaking won’t stop.Unfortunately the feeling that Marcus felt came to reality. Tiles from houses falling down, hot ashes falling down like rain and  his family’s slaves,relatives and citizens screaming for help…IT WAS A VOLCANO.His tutor fortunately has experience this and knew what to do and where  to go.He bravely led Marcus and his family to safety.As they entered a boat, and was about to set sail they saw someone and it was Marcus dad! He held gratitude for Marcus tutor that he ripped of the slavery belt and threw it inside the burning ocean. Marcus’s tutor was so grateful for Marcus’s family.He bravely led Marcus and his family to safety.As they entered a boat, and was about to set sail they saw someone and it was Marcus dad! He held gratitude for Marcus tutor that he ripped of the slavery belt and threw it inside the burning ocean. Marcus’s tutor was so grateful for Marcus’s family.  When they finally arrived to the place that they insured were the nearest place were the volcano couldn’t reach, the only thing on Marcus’s mind was his dog.The family heard rumours that Vesuvius was covered in ashes they were determined to go back there.Once they arrived Marcus started crying thinking of the thought that his dog had to be all alone and had to suffer. In that moment Marcus felt a warm breath beside him and was enthusiastic to see his dog and that they can finally be reunited. I really enjoyed this activity because I got to write what I felt about the book.I think you should go check my activity out!                                                      Thank you!