
As the door slowly closed behind a mysterious figure, a diminutive shadow appeared from the darkness.Looking around the eerie room, a  figure slowly appeared from the ceiling. Looking like it just came out from a comic book, it slowly went down revealing that the mysterious figure was a mouse. It was on a heist to get the big chunk of cheese. But the way there will not be easy. It will have to wait until all the humans living in the house are deep into their sleep. It had already passed all of that now it just has to find a way to get the cheese. Just as the mouse would victoriously get the cheese,it heard footsteps. The mouse was drowning in dread, would he end up like his family?  He wondered to himself. As the door swung open the mouse thought to itself “Is this how it will all end? No”it remembered its fathers words. It quickly got into a hole in the wall and ran. 

2 thoughts on “Choose

  1. Hi jilliane I like how you did your spy and how you did that it really cool and I hope you be a good writer keep up the great work and I saw how did you make your writing really good . from elena

  2. Hi Jilliane I really like your detailed writing. I also like how you describe your character and your story. It is so detailed. I love your story more

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