task description:Today I did an activity about simile and metaphors. I hope you enjoy looking at my work.
Blog Commenting
Task description:Today I did an activity I hope you enjoy it. I had a hard time choosing people to comment on. Thank you for looking at my task!
As the door slowly closed behind a mysterious figure, a diminutive shadow appeared from the darkness.Looking around the eerie room, a figure slowly appeared from the ceiling. Looking like it just came out from a comic book, it slowly went down revealing that the mysterious figure was a mouse. It was on a heist to get the big chunk of cheese. But the way there will not be easy. It will have to wait until all the humans living in the house are deep into their sleep. It had already passed all of that now it just has to find a way to get the cheese. Just as the mouse would victoriously get the cheese,it heard footsteps. The mouse was drowning in dread, would he end up like his family? He wondered to himself. As the door swung open the mouse thought to itself “Is this how it will all end? No”it remembered its fathers words. It quickly got into a hole in the wall and ran.
Perfect pet
Task description:Today I did an activity about a book. I hope you enjoy looking at my activity thank you!
Blog comments
Task description:Today I did an activity about comments. I hope you enjoy looking at it!
Being Billy
Task description:Today I did an activity about this book thank you!
Being Billy
Task description:Today I drew this picture from a book I read. I liked this book because it showed on how other people’s opinion’s doesn’t matter. I liked this activity because I like drawing thank you!
Short writing
Task description: Today I did an activity thank you!
choose it narrative
As the stars glistened in the empty night sky, Japhet boarded the plane. He knew his life would be different in his new country. But he wondered why he had to leave his home, his relatives, his people. Japhet was born in the Philippines and was just 13 years old when his mum died. When the plane started to fly he felt something he has never felt, The feeling of an empty stomach even when you ate, the feeling when you know when you are going to throw up. Nauseousness.
As Japhet scurried to the bathroom, he felt the feeling of getting nasty looks. The next thing he knew he ran to his seat and started trying to find himself to calm down. Then it hit him, he got the fidget spinner that came in the little plastic bag for people to use. To be continued.
Task description:Today I did an activity about maths thank you!