Tag: Autumn Learning Journey

Autumn Learning Journey

Task description:Today I did an activity where I have to find leaves/flowers that match the colours of the rainbow. So first I went outside and found Yellow then I found red then orange then green but I could not see any blue or purple. So I went to my mums garden and plucked some of her flowers so I could finish my rainbow then I was finished. This activity was fun because I got to go outside and explore my neighbourhood.

Autumn Learning Journey

Task description: Today I did some research about how the Maori people store their food in the olden days.  First they used a pit named a “rua”. Some rua pits had tunnels connecting to other rua pits. The second type of storage for food is called a “Pātaka”. They were used to keep preserved food like fish, birds or to keep seeds safe from kiore in winter.

Autumn Learning Journey

Task description: Today I did a task where you have to make a song that would remind you of autumn. The first thing I did was I added the beats. I remind myself not to add the same beats in a line because it would sound weird. The next thing I did was I added the drum type of sound to add something different then I finished. I remember I have made a song before but did not sing in it and just added beats like this one! I really enjoyed doing this activity so I hope you enjoy listening to my song!


Autumn Learning Journey

Task description: Today I will do an activity where I have to answer some questions about superheros because on April 28 it will be Superhero day.

1.  Who is your favourite superhero and why?

Answer: Spider-man because all of them are funny,clumsy and powerful at the same time and because I watched all the movies and I could not get my eye off screen.

2.What would your superhero power be?

Answer: Invisibility because I I were to fly then that would make people think it is the end of the world because of some flying human, and I would choose harmful powers because I am clumsy and one mistake and it would probably end someones life which I would not want to do.

3.What would your superhero name be?

Answer:  Invisble  because my super power would be invisibility so my name is Invisble, and because If my name would be super complicated then how will people know how to say my name.

4.What kind of costume would you have?

Answer: None because I will be invisible.


Autumn Learning Journey

Task description:Today I did a task where I have to make an autumn themed breakfast for my family.  When I first started doing the activity I started to wonder what I would make and how I would make it  autumn themed. So I first thought about what to make of the main thing so I just decided on cereal. Then when I finished making my cereal I thought about apples so I cut them into slices which was harder than I thought. But when I was cutting the apples I got an idea  to make it autumn themed, I would peel the apples then cut the skin into leaves! It was easier in my mind because on my second leaf I gave up and just started cutting it and putting it inside the apple bowl. I thought this activity was so much fun so I hope you enjoyed looking at this blog post!

Autumn Learning Journey

Task description:  Today I did an activity about the ANZAC soldiers and the places where they stayed.  In the activity I could explore all the parts of where the soldiers were. Did you know that Gallipoli was a hot peninsula and water was extremely precious, and most ANZAC soldiers at  knew the Turks were there but died without seeing them.

Autumn Learning Journey

Task description:Today I did a task where you can build anything autumn themed but it has to have something in it. I thought that this activity was fun because I did it on Minecraft. This activity was hard because I did not know how to take a screen shot on Minecraft and I took 30 minutes until I searched it up on google and realised I just needed a portfolio. I thought this activity was fun so I hope you enjoyed looking at my building.

Autumn Learning Journey

Task description:Today I did a task where I had to draw a Velociraptor because on the 18th of April it will be Velociraptor day.  This activity was fun because I had to draw in it and because I tried drawing a dinosaur for the first time. Do you know that Velociraptors were actually feathered? and did you know that they could jump 10 feet ( 3 meters) straight into the air? I really enjoyed this activity so I hope you enjoyed looking at this blog post!