Tag: year 4 2023

Underwater Story

task description:Today I wrote a story on my Chromebook.First our teacher told us what we should we do.Then I made my plan for my story and I wanted to give my story a bad ending because all my other stories has a good ending.Then I wrote my story and I wanted to make it sad and I really enjoyed writing this story.

In a clear blue ocean in the deep depths of the ocean there was a person on the ground of the ocean collecting shells on the sand named Rafael with his friend named Nathan.They were close friends because the parents were also friends.You would think that they were forced to be friends but they will just do anything for eachother.


As Rafael moved the water made bubbles behind him.As a small shadow crept behind him he started to notice it once it got to close.’’RAFAEL’’ Nathan screamed with horror’’THERE IS A SHARK BEHIND YOU!!’’ before Rafael realised there was a shark behind him he saw Nathen go behind him and said a word but he couldn’t tell what he said.


Before he could say anything he fell unconscious the next thing he saw was the hospital and someone saying that he was awake.Once he gained consciousness he felt lots of emotions at the same time but he was wondering the same thing ‘’Where is Nathan?’’ Until he figured it out and his heart skipped a beat.


Running out of the hospital bed he almost fell but kept on running at the same time looking in each room checking for Nathen until he met a doctor in  the hallway and asked him where was a patient named Nathan.The doctor was shocked that the weakest patient ran all the way here just to look for his friend.

The doctor was kind and said ‘’Come with me to my car lets drive there’’ While in the car Rafael was wondering what could’ve happened to him.Until they arrived and it turned into dead silence the only thing you could hear was the crows in the sky.When Rafael went out of the car he bursted into tears.Until its been a few hours and Rafael didn’t want to leave because he was at Nathans grave.