Tag: Writing

Matching Similies

Task description:Today I did an activity about similes.  I thought this activity was hard because I had to organise all the similes and what they mean just to realise that I did it wrong the whole time. I thought this activity was really cool so I hope that you enjoy looking at this blog post!

The first term in our new class

task description:Today is the last day of the term so I would like to talk about the things that changed and the things I would like to mention. First I would like to talk about how my class and environment changed. Instead of my class being just one it is two classes combined into 2 which I kind of think is cool for some reason. Every Monday we would have a team assembly in room 5,6,7 and 8 and Miss Parrant would talk about the important events going to happen. The second thing I would like to talk about is how my tasks changed. In my tasks it would really make me think about how the character in the book acts or feels or maybe how my maths turned into algebra or long division or to write a story in a paragraph but you need to have all the important details. The third thing I would like to share is my new teachers. The 2 teachers in my classroom really helped me boost my confidence in speaking in a large crowd.  Now the lfourth thing I want to walk about are the events that happened in this 1 term! first I went to my FIRST tournament representing Point England! In the tournament I tried as hard as I could and although we just won 4 matches out of 5 in the end it did not matter how much times we won it mattered how much fun we had. the second thing is I went to camp for the first time which was really cool because there I did things I did not even know I could do! When I was there I did kayaking which was cool but we did at low tide so it was quite hard to get out of the sand but when I was in the ocean it was smooth sailing. Then I went to killerzone which was really cool because I got to throw a water balloon at my friend and because it was really creative like how you needed to throw a boot which I REALLY underestimated. The next thing I enjoyed was the movie night because at first I thought that the movie would be boring but when the movie started I could not get my eyes off the screen. Then I went to cycloball and there I did not really do much because I did not understand some rules of the game. After that I went to the camp concert and it was awkward because I did not actually think my parents would come. My second favourate activity at camp was the Mangere pools because of the water slide and the fact we could jump off the ledge of the pool but just do not bomb which was reasonable. I also remember a funny thing I did at the water slide, so I was going to go down but then my mat was about to slide down but I caught it but when I was going to go push myself off the top I did not even slide down  I was just sitting there but I later found out that it happened because I was not fully ontop of the mat.Next is my second picnic in Point England which was fun because I got to jump off the rock. When I saw everyone getting clay  felt inspired but when I started collecting it I gave up ten seconds in.   Then there was the day that I met my new classmates Logan and Keisiah. I also remember finishing my Photopea in two days! but in the end I think it turned out amazing! I remember trying new sports but in the end I just ended up playing one new sport which is T-ball.  I remember a funny m oment when I was playing kellysports I hit the ball with the bat but when I started running I slipped and got a bruise but to this day it still manages to get a giggle out of me when I remind myself what happened. I also remember the day that I did my mihi in front of my whole class but when I think about it I think about how I probably messed up or pronounced something wrong but I am learning how to be confident in my self  and hopefully in the future I can learn how to say it without worrying about pronouncing the words wrong.  Well I think that this is all I can write but I just want to say some things before I finish writing this. First I would like to thank my classmates and table mates because they would keep me entertained and if one of them were switched to a different table we would let them sit on ours. The second thing I want to talk about are my teachers. If it was not for my teacher I would be totally lost and confused. But they do not just help me they have to help a whole class and since my class is so much fun that means they have to prepare it which takes a lot of time because my mum is a teacher and some nights she would stay up until 2:00 am just to finish work for her students. So that is why I try to finish my work because for a student it only takes two seconds to just decide that they do not want to do it but in the teachers eyes it is a student refusing to do the work that they used all their time on their weekend not even allowing themselves to have a break or sleep just so you could do that activity and learn about something just for a student to tell that they did not finish it or they do not want to do it.  So I wrote this not just to talk about the cool things I did in the first term and how my whole environment changed, I wrote this to my teacher Ms Tumahai for trying your best to teach room 10 and making the term fun and exciting for the whole class.

Prefects Korero

Task Description:Today I made a poster about the prefects Korero. The prefects korero was ” Lest we forget”.  I had fun with this activity because I learned facts about ANZAC day. Fact: The reason why poppies symbolises ANZAC day is because the red symbolises the blood of the soldiers and the poppy is the flower that grew on the land where most of the soldiers died.

Who am I?

Task description:Today I did an activity that tells my new class and new teachers something about me. In the activity you write what are your strengths which really made me think because I have lots but I decided to choose the one that stands  out the most music. I really had a fun time doing this because it made me think about what really is interesting about me. I enjoyed this activity so I hope you enjoy looking at it!

About me Brainstorm

Task description:Today I did an activity that tells about me. In the activity you have to write your culture your favourite food and more. I also had to take a picture but that was not that hard but it was fun writing down everything I want my new class to know about me. When I did this I enjoyed it so I hope you enjoy looking at it to!

About me!

Task description:Today I did a new task the name of my About me! In the activity you have to write what you like what you dislike and things about you. I really thought this activity was fun because I got to colour and decorate it. That is all I hope you enjoyed reading the different things about me.

Gingerbread house

Task description:Today I did an activity about the German fairy tale. First I drew my gingerbread house! I enjoyed drawing the most because I know how to draw. Then I started to shade but did not use any colour because  I feel more comfortable using my pencil.Shading was the most difficult step because the house was to big to shade everything so I just shaded the main house.Lastly I wrote things to describe the house.I overall enjoyed doing this because it was so much fun drawing and writing thank you !