Tag: Writing


As the door slowly closed behind a mysterious figure, a diminutive shadow appeared from the darkness.Looking around the eerie room, a  figure slowly appeared from the ceiling. Looking like it just came out from a comic book, it slowly went down revealing that the mysterious figure was a mouse. It was on a heist to get the big chunk of cheese. But the way there will not be easy. It will have to wait until all the humans living in the house are deep into their sleep. It had already passed all of that now it just has to find a way to get the cheese. Just as the mouse would victoriously get the cheese,it heard footsteps. The mouse was drowning in dread, would he end up like his family?  He wondered to himself. As the door swung open the mouse thought to itself “Is this how it will all end? No”it remembered its fathers words. It quickly got into a hole in the wall and ran. 

choose it narrative

 As the stars glistened in the empty night sky, Japhet boarded the plane. He knew his life would be different in his new country. But he wondered why he had to leave his home, his relatives, his people. Japhet was born in the Philippines and was just 13 years old when his mum died. When the plane started to fly he felt something he has never felt, The feeling of an empty stomach even when you ate, the feeling when you know when you are going to throw up. Nauseousness. 


As  Japhet scurried to the bathroom, he felt the feeling of getting nasty looks. The next thing he knew he ran to his seat and started trying to find himself to calm down. Then it hit him, he got the fidget spinner that came in the little plastic bag for people to use. To be continued.


6 sentences

Task description:Today I did an activity about a picture of a hippo. We only had to write 6 sentences but had to make it the most detailed 6 sentences.While we had 20 minutes to finish.I had difficulties while describing how cold the hippo were.I hope you enjoyed looking at my activity thank you!

Lego recount

 As the sun shined brightly into my eyes, Mrs. Moala explained the game. “You will have to build lego furniture in under 15 minutes.”


 Then she pulled out a big box full of legos and said “The shortest person in your group has to get a cup and scoop out some legos.”While the legos that you don’t need go get scooped up and put back into the box.“


“You will be receiving a lego plate to build your legos on, but it has to fit inside the plate.”


“Now lets start”

In your marks, get set, GO!” Mrs. Moala said swiftly  as  the timer started. 


As Zumidah poured all the lego blocks, I stared at them trying to estimate how much legos there are so we can figure out how big our lego build will be.

We discussed as a group on what to build.

 As the minutes flew by we still didn’t know what to build. 


“Lets make a table!” said Isla-may.


“But everyone is making a table!” Cullai said as the first minute passed by.

We kept on getting suggestions until

“I got it!” said Jilliane enthusiastically.


“Lets make a fridge!”


As we looked for pieces we realised we didn’t have enough blocks! Someone needed to have an idea, quickly. “Let’s make couch!” Cullai suggested just as we lost hope.


When we started to build the couch Mrs. Moala sat on her chair and said “Can the second smallest person in the group come to me to choose some colours?”


Looking at Jortana  she picked out BLACK AND RED!

Our whole couch was multi coloured and nothing was black or red. At that moment the suspense hit me. I started building a car. No one dared mess me up because there was 4 minutes on the timer. One by one I started building a car while Cullai added some details. As the last few second slowly ran out I successfully build a car.As the last 5 seconds finally ran out it was time to stop building and put our work on Mrs. Moala’s table.


task description: Today I did an activity with my group.I think my group did a pretty decent job.You should go check it out!
